About SCHS

Mission Statement

The purpose of the SCHS is to promote public knowledge and interest in the history of Sussex County, New Jersey, and surrounding areas by:

  • Compiling, publishing and disseminating information;
  • Collecting, preserving and studying historical, genealogical and archaeological records, documents, papers and artifacts;
  • Maintaining a public museum;
  • Promoting the preservation and protection of buildings, cemeteries and other sites of historic interest and co-operating with other organizations of similar interest.

Executive Board

Wayne T. McCabe President

William Strait Vice President

Joseph Atkinson Treasurer

Marge McCabe Recording Secretary

Xavier Frank Gonzalez Corresponding Secretary

Stephen Shaw Parliamentarian


Robert Boyle

Richard Crawn Editor of SCHS Quarterly Newsletter

Kathy Esposito

Ruby Esposito

Alex Everitt, Jr.

Geoffrey Ithen

Harry Kaplan

Lisa Holder

Mario Poggi

Wendy Wyman

*The Board of Trustees and Officers are annually elected on the first Tuesday in April.